A Message from Principal
Shawn Olson, Ed.D.
Once your child is a part of the Sandburg family, they have a dedicated team of teachers whose passion is education. As Sandburg parents, we invite you to be an active participant in your child's academic, social, and emotional success. We believe in the power and potential of every Sandburg student and work tirelessly to provide them with a challenging curriculum, a variety of after-school activities, strong, caring, and competent teachers, and opportunities to be their best selves. Your child's success shows the dedication of our faculty, parents, and students, and the commitment that has been made to make our theme a reality.
Our mission drives the belief that our staff accepts the responsibility for the learning of all students, and the development of their potential. We believe in providing opportunities for students to develop the ability to communicate effectively with others. We promote a positive and safe environment built upon decision making and problem solving.
It takes a collective of dedicated individuals to provide the environment that is most conducive to our students' learning. We are privileged to continue the "heart work" of educating children. Again, we welcome you and look forward to our best school year yet. Thank you for being a part of the Sandburg family.