Staley, Dr. Rouse, Crystal Gonzalez, and Marshall Principal Dr. Herrera take a picture with Mrs. Cornelio-Sauseda

Fifth-grade A.O. Marshall Elementary School teacher Maida Cornelio-Sauseda had a surprise visit from the Chicago Bears official mascot Staley Da Bear, representatives from the Chicago Bears, Joliet Public Schools District 86 Superintendent Dr. Theresa Rouse, Marshall Principal Dr. Emilia Herrera, and former student 18-year-old Crystal Gonzalez on August 27, 2024.

Mrs. Cornelio-Sauseda is a recipient of the Chicago Bears Classroom Legends program. The program honors and recognizes outstanding teachers who emphasize development of their students and the betterment of classroom environments throughout the Chicagoland area. Mrs. Cornelio-Sauseda was nominated by A.O. Marshall Elementary alum Crystal Gonzalez. Mrs. Sauseda was Crystal’s fourth-grade teacher during the 2015-2016 school year. Since the program’s inception three years ago, over 60 teachers have been selected as Classroom Legends.

“Mrs. Sauseda has made such an impact in my life from when she was my teacher. Mrs. Sauseda taught me in fourth grade, and to this day I still remember her lessons and wise words. She never once gave up on anyone and has encouraged everyone to keep going.” Crystal wrote in her submission.

Mrs. Sauseda recognized Crystal right away when she walked into her classroom and asked if she just graduated from high school. Crystal graduated from Joliet Central High School in May and is currently a student at Joliet Junior College.

“You don’t know what this means.” Maida Cornelio-Sauseda told Crystal, “You’re why we (teachers) do what we do.”

Mrs. Cornelio-Sauseda received a Chicago Bears “swag bag”, a personalized Chicago Bears football and jersey, and a $1,000 grant for her classroom from the Chicago Bears and CDW. She and a guest are also invited to the Chicago Bears football opener on September 8, 2024. She will be on the field during the pregame and recognized during the game.

“We are so happy for Mrs. Cornelio-Sauseda,” said Dr. Theresa Rouse, “It is so heartwarming to be reminded again that our teachers make a lasting impact on their students’ lives well beyond the classroom that can resonate for years.”

“We are proud to continue our partnership with CDW for our Classroom Legends program into the 2024 season and beyond,” said Matt Simeone, Chicago Bears Director of Community and Alumni Relations. “It is important to us to recognize and promote influential and impactful leaders in our community. Through this program, the Chicago Bears and CDW partner to highlight teachers who hold the responsibility of molding our future leaders by acknowledging their dedication and commitment to the education of their students."