Superintendent Blog


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A week of celebrations and reflection

May 19, 2018

I always enjoy having the opportunity to honor the amazing staff and teachers of our district through our Star Employee Awards.  Each school site is able to chose a member of their staff to honor throughout the school year.  Through the Star Employee Award program, they can choose one staff member per month or at least one per trimester.  This past Monday, we had a reception to honor these Star Employees.  It was great to gather the group and see the depth of commitment of our staff.  Congratulations Star Employees!

Student recognition was front and center this week also.  Our 8th grade music students celebrated at their awards banquet on Tuesday.  So many talented young people preparing to enter high school.  We also had our second annual Children for Peace Art Show.  There were over 700 pieces of student art on display and awards were given to those students who had their art chosen for our note card collection.  One student from each school site was honored and their art has been transformed into a note card.  The collection of note cards is on sale for $10.00!  A bargain for such amazing art!

Today, we celebrated the 40th anniversary of Forest Park I.E. School.  Such a great turn out of families and staff.  Many former students and staff were also there to celebrate.  We are proud of all that Forest Park I.E. has accomplished over the past forty years including their most recent award of being named a School of Character.  

Keep an eye out for more celebrations to come!