Public education advocates from across the state were honored during a special breakfast event on Friday, May 10, 2024, as part of the Illinois Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association’s (INSPRA) annual Distinguished Service Awards, including Tony Contos and J.D. Ross. This dynamic duo co-chaired of the “Citizens in Support of District 86 Referendum Committee seeking voter approval for a $99.5 million bond referendum addressing aging school facilities. Thanks to the leadership of these gentlemen, 71.6% of Joliet residents voted in favor of the measure last spring.
The Distinguished Service Awards recognize individuals who make a difference in their school communities by promoting public education and enhancing its programs and services. Nominees are evaluated on their ability to support or improve understanding and communication in the school/district; foster cooperative partnerships between the school and community; and strengthen the overall support for education by stakeholders.
“J.D. and Tony spent endless time getting referendum information out to the Joliet community.” said Joliet Public Schools District 86 Superintendent Dr. Theresa Rouse, “We are pleased they received this much-deserved recognition.”
Only 32 individuals and teams were recognized in the categories of Administrator, Board of Education Member, Community Member, Parent, Student, Faculty/Staff, and Team. School communicators from across the country judged the entries. Only those receiving top scores received awards.