
Click here for the Joliet Public Schools District 86 E-Learning Plan

E-Learning Days

E-Learning Days have replaced traditional "snow days." E-Learning will be utilized on days when inclement weather (or other emergencies) prohibit school from being in session. During the winter season, all students should bring their District technology device home every day.

An E-Learning day will include synchronous learning (live instruction with teacher) and asynchronous learning (independent learning). Teachers will share log in instructions through Seesaw (Kindergarten-second grade) and Google Classroom (third-eighth grades). Students will log into Seesaw or Google Classroom on their school-issued device at the beginning of the school day.

School start times for an E-Learning day will be consistent with an in-person school day. Attendance will be taken.

E-learning paper packets that were distributed earlier this school year are only to be completed if your children cannot log onto their devices on the E-Learning day.

Families will be notified of an e-Learning Day directly by broadcast phone messages. Announcements will also be posted on the District website and District 86 social media accounts: Facebook (Joliet Public Schools District 86), and X (@JolietSD86). We will make every effort to have in-person learning if it is safe