A Message from Principal
Ben Meinert
Welcome to Woodland Elementary School! We are proud of our students, staff, parents, and community who make our school successful. School begins each day at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 3:10 p.m. Woodland School is home to approximately 500 kindergarten through fifth grade students.
In addition to emphasizing the highest level of academic success, we offer various activities focusing on social, emotional, and physical skills: Chess Club. Robotics, Intramural basketball, cheerleading and poms, Bridges, various dances, and family events like Movie Night, and an annual Posada. Every trimester "Parent University" sessions are held for each grade to share what is being taught at school and how parents can assist their student.
Woodland works to provide its students with the very best education possible. The staff constantly learns and adopts best practices in teaching methods and strategies to reach the needs of all students. Differentiated instruction, guided reading, and technology are all used to help students achieve to their fullest potential. The individual needs of each child is considered every day as we work to fulfill our mission, "All Students, Actively Learning, Actualizing Potential."
Feel free to visit us and see why we are all proud to be Braves!