Hufford Junior High School recently hosted its first ever esports student tournament. Esports, short for electronic sports, involves competitions utilizing video games. More than 25 sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students at the junior high school in Joliet signed up to attend the after-school esports club this fall. During the sessions, the students practiced teamwork, sportsmanship, and leadership skills while playing video games against classmates.
Congratulations to the winners at the event: eighth-grader Natanael Lopez took home the Gold Award, sixth-grade student Diego Rangel received Silver, and eighth-grade Adriel Perez Cortes came in third place.
The esports industry is one of fastest-growing sports in the world and continues to grow in popularity in schools across the country. This is the first esports program in Joliet Public Schools District 86. The Hufford Junior High Esports Club is organized by eighth grade Science teacher Ryan Gerrity and eighth grade Social Studies teacher Joseph Wyrwas.