Civil Engineers Visit Gompers Students


Twenty-seven Gompers Junior High School students from Stephen Rummel’s sixth-grade science class had the opportunity to learn about engineering careers from civil engineers and perform a competitive engineering activity. Members of the American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois (ACEC-IL) including Janet Henderson, Director of Business Development at Images, Inc. Naperville and V3 Companies Civil Engineers Heidi Voirol and Aimme Muro, visited the classroom in May.

These professionals are part of the consultant team working to bring Lake Michigan water to Joliet and promote water conservation. The special guests gave the students an overview of water conservation, RethinkWaterJoliet, and challenged the students to design and test a model water tower using toothpicks, marshmallows, and rocks representing the weight of water.  

“It is important to show students they are capable of great things and by having professionals outside of teachers show them potential future careers,” said Gompers Junior High School science teacher Stephen Rummel, “It is imperative for students to learn about and try out potential careers in STEM fields so they have goals and aspirations to pursue challenging, but rewarding careers.” 

“The students really enjoyed the activity and learning about engineering,” Gompers Junior High School Principal Rita Sparks added.

The Illinois Department of Transportation supports STEM education and has worked with ACEC Illinois to support students and teachers. Materials on STEM on careers in engineering can be found at Additionally, teachers who wish to invite engineers into their class may sign-up here e-squared - Illinois Engineering Initiative (

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